Thursday, July 30, 2009

O Sonho de Afonso - Afonso's Dream

Well, once again I have been a very lucky girl, because I was given the opportunity of being part of a magnificent project.
This year, the city of Guimarães (THE city :P) celebrated the 900th birthday of our first King, D. Afonso Henriques (for those who don't know it, this is important, since Portugal was founded in Guimarães by him :D). The celebrations took place in the city during 900 hours in 900 days (or something similar ;p). The last event, on the 25th of July this year, was a theatre piece in the form of parade throughout the old city centre. To put the whole thing together, a German theatre company, Theatre Titanick ( was asked to create a show arround the history of our first King to be showed, as said before, in the form of a parade throughout the streets of the city. To do this, volountiers of Guimarães were asked to participate in the piece, and of course I immediately joined the cause ;). We had three workshops on three weekends, and then the last week of rehersals before the show. It was just amazing! However, nothing compares to the feeling of perfomring for thousands of people, which were watching the parade. There are no words to explain such a great emotion!!!

As far as the story is concerned, it shows Afonso's father's funeral. After it his mother (Teresa) gives him to a tutor in order to raise him. He grows up, learns to ride horses and becomes a strong man. His mother later joined Castela, what didn't really please Afonso and so he decided to fight against his mother (Teresa) and her lover Fernando, conquering as such Portugal's independence...

Here are som pics of the show... :)

And after the show we still had time to have some more fun ;)

O Sonho de Afonso - Videos

For more videos check: